2016年2月17日 星期三

You've Got Mail - 11. Orange who?

Joe is putting sugar into his coffee at the sugar counter as Kathleen comes in. He pretends he didn't see her.

A little group of children dressed as Pilgrims walk down the street as Kathleen comes around the corner to buy her morning paper. Joe is at the newsstand. She turns and pretends to be staring at a wall until he finishes buying his paper and walks on.

The place is mobbed -- the usual crush the night before Thanksgiving. Kathleen, pushing a shopping cart, is trying to wedge her way through the crowd in the cheese department. As she reaches across three people to grab some Brie, she sees Joe walk into the store. Quickly, she turns her back so he can't see her. She stands there frozen. A beat... Peeks around, doesn't see him anywhere. Cranes her neck this way and that. No Joe. 

Kathleen, now wearing dark glasses but looking not at all disguised, looks around and spots a short line and makes a beeline for it. At that moment, Joe comes from the Appetizing Department and gets on the line she was heading for. Panicked, Kathleen retreats onto another line and stands with her back to him. 

The CASHIER totals up Kathleen's purchases and Kathleen hands over her credit card.

CASHIER - $ 72.27. This is a Cash-only line. 


CASHIER - Cash Only. 

KATHLEEN - Oh my god, oh my god, oh, I just have a credit card. Is...I'm sorry, is that okay? 

PERSON BEHIND HER IN LINE - No, it's not okay, there's a sign. 

KATHLEEN - I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I...I...I never do this. But I'm asking you to make an exception in just this one case.

PERSON IN LINE - You have no cash?(to the person behind her) - She doesn't have cash. 

"She doesn't have cash" is repeated all the way down the line. Joe turns to see what's going on. 

ANOTHER PERSON - Get on another line, lady. 

KATHLEEN - I have a dollar. That's all I have a dollar. One dollar. Is there anything you can do?

JOE - Hello. 

KATHLEEN - Hello. 

JOE - Hi, you need some money? 

KATHLEEN - No, I do not need any money. Thank you very much. 

CASHIER - Get on another line. 

JOE - Hi. (off her nametag, big smile) Rose. That is a great name. Rose, this is Kathleen, I'm Joe, and..

PERSON IN LINE - And I'm Henry.

JOE - Henry, how are you? Happy holidays. This is a credit card machine. Happy Thanksgiving. 

Rose just stares at him. 

JOE (cont'd) - It's your turn to say "Happy Thanksgiving" back. 

ROSE - Happy Thanksgiving back. 

Joe looks at her, winks. 

JOE - Knock-knock. (big smile) 

CASHIER -Who's there?

JOE - Orange.

CASHIER - Orange who?

JOE - Orange you going to give us a break...by zipping this credit card through the credit card machine? Come on. You can do it. Zip zip. There you go. 

The cashier, completely charmed, takes Kathleen's credit card. Kathleen is appalled. Everyone on the line signs irritably and audibly. 

JOE - Rose? Ah, that's a great name. (to Kathleen) So you're fine. 


JOE - Happy Thanksgiving. Henry, happy Thanksgiving.

Joe left.

KATHLEENI'm so sorry. Really, I apologize. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

PERSON IN LINE - So sign already! I'd like to get home.

CASHIER - You have my pen.

** 註:之前不懂knock-knock Joke,覺得為什麼Joe說了幾句,那個女店員就笑了... 
後來才知道,Orange 是 Aren't you 的諧音,
所以劇情裡面的 "Orange you going to..." = "Aren't you going to ..."

還蠻有趣的 XD

有名的 Knock - knock Joke 還有:

Wendy = When did you
Who Who => 美國人模仿的貓頭鷹叫聲
Voodoo you think you are! (Voodoo = who do)

