2016年2月14日 星期日

單字課 009

device [dɪˋvaɪs] -裝置,設備
n., a tool or machine used for a specific task

A cellphone is a small device that is easy to carry around.

You can connect this device to your computer and use it to store your files.

facilitate [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] -使容易,促進
v., to make easier
The computer program facilitated the scheduling of appointments.

The director tried to facilitate the transition to the new policy by meeting with all staff who would be affected.

network [ˋnɛt͵wɝk] -連接,建立聯繫;名-網路
v., to connect; to broadcast; to engage in informal communication
n., an interconnected group or system over a radio or TV

The recent graduate networked with her mother’s coworkers.

We set up a new network in my office to share files.

popularity [͵pɑpjəˋlærətɪ] -普及,受歡迎
n., the state of being widely admired, sought, or accepted

After the new commercial began running, the popularity of the batteries increased significantly.

This brand of computers is extremely popular among college students.

  • 動 - popularize(The internet has popularized last-minute travel.)
  • 名 - popularity
    (The popularity of the product was extremely short-lived, and it soon disappeared from the store shelves.)
  • 形 - popular
    (The new computer program was extremely popular, and people asked for it at all the store.)

process [ˋprɑsɛs] -處理,加工;-過程
v., to put through a series of actions or prescribed procedure; n., a series of operations or actions to bring about a result

I’ve processed the data I collected and have gotten some interesting results.

There is a process for determine why your computer is malfunctioning.

replace [rɪˋples] -代替
v., to put back in a former place or position; to take the place of

I’ve replaced the hard drive that was malfunctioning.

We have been looking for three months and we’ve found no one who can replace our former administrator.

  • 動 - replace(I’d like to replace my cell phone with a newer model.)
  • 名 - replacement(Look online to see if you can find an affordable replacement for this damaged computer.)
  • 形 - replaceable(Make copies of all your files as they are not easily replaceable.)

revolution [͵rɛvəˋluʃən] -革命,旋轉
n., a sudden or important change in a situation

We see a revolution in the computer filed almost every year.

Cell phones have caused a revolution in communication.

  • 動 - revolutionized
    (Using diamond has revolutionized the pressure sensor industry during the last decade.)
  • 名 - revolution
    (The revolution in electronics technology has allowed products such as phones to get smaller and more portable.)
  • 形 - revolutionary
    (The Internet is revolutionary in how it has changed the way we communicate.)

sharp [ʃɑrp] 形-急劇的,精明的
adj., abrupt or acute; smart

There was a sharp decline in calls to the help desk after we upgraded each employee’s computer.

The new employee proved how sharp she was when she mastered the new program in a few days.

skill [ˋskɪl] -技巧
n., a developed ability 

The software developer has excellent technical skills and would be an asset to our software programming team.

Salman’s job as designer of electronic tools makes good use of his manual dexterity skills.

  • 名 - skill(Her marketing skills inspired Jason to return to school for his MBA.)
  • 形 - skilled
    (Our carpenters are skilled in everything from cabinetry to furniture making.)
  • 副 - skillfully
    (He negotiates so skillfully that both parties end up feeling that they’re gotten what they wanted.)

software [ˋsɔft͵wɛr] -軟體
n., the programs for a computer

This software allows me to integrate tables and spreadsheets into my reports.

Many computers come pre-loaded with software.

store [stor] 動-保存,儲存
v., to keep

You can store more data on a zip drive.

You can store hundreds of songs on a iPod.

  • 動 - store
    (I store the phone numbers of all my business contacts in my personal cell phone.)
  • 名 - store
    (We keep a store of computer supplies in that closet.)
  • 名 - storage(We need a computer with greater storage capacity.)

technically [ˋtɛknɪk!ɪ] -技術性地
adv., with specialized skill or knowledge

Technically speaking, the virus infected only script files.
技術上來說,這種病毒只會感染指令稿檔案(script files)

We find that our younger employees tend to be more technically skilled.

  • 名 - technician(Even a skilled technician couldn’t repair that machine.)
  • 形 - technical(At least a small amount of technical knowledge is required for most jobs these days.)
  • 副 - technically(People who are technically trained have an easier time funding jobs.)

