2016年2月17日 星期三

單字課 012

ability /əb'ɪləti/ -能力
n., a kill, a competence

The designer’s ability was obvious from her portfolio.


The ability to work with others is a key requirement.


apply /əpl'ɑɪ/ 動 - 申請,應用

v. to look for; to submit an application

The college graduate applied for three jobs and received three offers.


Everyone who is interested should apply in person at any branch office.



  • 動 - apply
    (Your chance are better if you apply for a job in the spring.)
  • 名 - applicant
    (The manager selected him from all the applicants.)
  • 名 - application
    (The department can’t process your application until all documents have been received.)

background /b'ækgr,ɑʊnd/ -背景,學經歷

n., a person’s experience, education and family history

Your background in the publishing industry is a definite asset for this job.


The employer did a complete background check before offering him the job.


call in -召來,召換

v., to ask to come; to beckon

The young woman was so excited when she was called in for an interview that she told everyone she knew.


The human resources manager called in all the qualified applicants for a second interviews.


confidence /k'ɑnfədəns/ -自信

n., a belief in one’s abilities, self-esteem

Good applicants show confidence during an interview.


He had too much confidence and thought that the job was his.



  • 名 - confidence
    (It’s refreshing to see a manager with so much confidence in her employees.)
  • 形 - confident
    (Don’t be too confident until you actually have an offer.)
  • 副 - confidently
    (The applicant confidently walked into the interview, sat down, and began to talk about himself.)

constantly /k'ɑnstəntli/ -時常地

adv., on a continual basis, happening all the time

The company is constantly looking for highly trained employees.


Martin constantly checked his messages to see if anyone had called for an interview.


expert /'ɛkspɚt/ -專家

n., a specialist

Our department head is an expert in financing.


The candidate demonstrated that he was an expert in marketing.



  • 名 - expert
    (That company has an opening for an information technology expert.)
  • 名 - expertise
    (They hired her because of her Internet expertise.)
  • 形 - expert
    (As an expert negotiator, she should have no problem getting the salary that she wants.)

follow up -後續接著做;-後續

v., to take additional steps, to continue; n., the continuation of a previous action

Always follow up an interview with a thank-you note.


As a follow up, the candidate sent the company a list of references.


hesitant /h'ɛzɪtənt/ -遲疑的

adj., reluctant; with reservation

Marla was hesitant about negotiating a higher salary.


The recent college graduate was hesitant about accepting his first offer.



  • 形 - hesitant
    (The applicant was hesitant to explain his reason for leaving his last job.)
  • 名 - hesitation
    (Her hesitation about accepting the job made the department wonder if she was really interested.)
  • 動 - hesitate
    (Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions connecting the job.)

interview /'ɪntɚvj,u/ -會談,面試;-提問,面試

n., a meeting for getting information; v., to ask a series of questions

It is very important to act professionally during a job interview.


We had to interview a lot of people before we found the right one for the job.


present /pr'ɛzənt/ -介紹,呈現  

v., to introduce; to show; to offer for consideration

The human resources director presents each candidate’s resume to the department supervisor for review.


The candidate presented her qualifications so well that the employer offered her a job on the spot.



  • 動 - present
    (I’d like to present my resume for your consideration.)
  • 名 - presentation
    (The applicant’s presentation made a favorable impression.)
  • 形 - presentable 體面的
    (The applicant was well dressed and presentable.)

weakly /w'ikli/ -虛弱地,薄弱地

adv., without strength; poorly

Her hands trembled and she spoke weakly at the interview.


She wrote so weakly we couldn’t read it.



  • 副 - weakly
    (The applicant shook hands weakly, making me question her strength of character.)
  • 形 - weak
    (She gave a weak description of her computer skills.)
  • 名 - weakness
    (Interviewers often ask candidates about their strengths and weakness.)

1 則留言:

  1. 謝謝你的分享,讓我很快可以了解中文意思
