2016年2月15日 星期一

單字課 010

assemble ˋsɛmb!] -集合
v., to put together; to bring together

Her assistant copied and assembled the documents.

The mail room clerk read the directions before assembling the parts to the new postage printer.

beforehand [bɪˋfor͵hænd] -預先
adv., in advance, in anticipation

To speed up the mailing, we should prepare the labels beforehand.

The goods could have been shipped today had they faxed the order beforehand.

complication [͵kɑmpləˋkeʃən] -困難,複雜
n., difficulty; complex situation

There was a complication with the delivery because the address was written incorrectly.

Complications always arise when we try to cover too many topics in one letter.

  • 動 - complicate(Don’t try to complicate things by making two-sided copies; single-sided will do.)
  • 名 - complication(There are a few complications with your layout, but they can be sassily solved.)
  • 形 - complicated(The revisions in the document made it more complicated, rather than simpler.)

courier [ˋkʊrɪɚ] -快遞員,快遞
n., a messenger, an official delivery person

We hired a courier to deliver the package.

The courier service will clear the goods through customs.

distribute [dɪˋstrɪbjʊt] -分配,分發
v., to pass out to a variety of people

We no longer distribute our newsletter by mail because everyone reads it online.

We plan to distribute copies of the announcement throughout the building.

  • 動 - distribute(We generally distribute the mail early in the morning.)
  • 名 - distribution(As soon as these envelopes are addressed, they will be ready for distribution.)
  • 名 -distributor(The distributor of our products just sent an e-mail informing us that he is closing down his business.)

express [ɪkˋsprɛs] -迅速的,快捷的
adj., fast and direct

It’s important that this document be there tomorrow, so please sent it express mail.

Express mail costs more than regular mail, but it is more efficient.

fold [fold] 動-折疊
v., to bend paper

Fold the paper into three parts before stuffing it into the envelope.

Don’t fold the document if it doesn’t fit the envelope.

layout [ˋle͵aʊt] -設計,安排,布局
n., a format; the organization of material on a page

We had to change the layout when we changed the size of the paper.

The layout for the new brochure was submitted by the designer.

mention [ˋmɛnʃən] -提起;動-提到
n., something said or written; v., to refer to

There was no mention of the cost in the proposal.

You should mention in the letter that we can arrange for mailing the brochures as well as printing them.

  • 動 - mention
    (As I mentioned in my note to you, you should try to be less wordy and more concise in your writing.)
  • 名 - mention
    (The mention of layoffs made us worry.)
  • 形 - mentionable
    (No one considered the mediocre design a mentionable achievement.)

petition [pəˋtɪʃən] -請願書;動-請願
n., a formal, written request; v., to make a formal request

The petition was photocopied and distributed to workers who will collect the necessary signatures.

We petitioned the postal officials to start delivering mail twice a day in business areas.


  • 名 - petition(In order to be valid, the contents of the petition need to be printed at the top of each page that will contain signatures.)
  • 動 - petition(The welders petitioned the factory to install air conditioning.)
  • 名 - petitioner(The petitioners spent the night outside of the courthouse.)

proof [pruf] 動-校對;名-證明,證據
v., to look for errors

This letter was not proofed very carefully; it is full of typing errors.


Please proof the memo one more time before your distribute it.

  • 動 - proof
    (It is your responsibility to proof your own work before sending it out.)
  • 名 - proofreader
    (The proofreader did not find the errors.)
  • 形 - proofing
    (Proofing a document is best done by starting at the end and reading backward.)
revise [rɪˋvaɪz] -修訂
v., to rewrite

The brochure was revised several times before it was sent to the printer.

We will need to revise the form letter since our address has changed.


  • 動 - revise(After you revise the document, give it a new name so that we will still have access to both drafts.)
  • 形 - revised(His revised memo was easier to read.)
  • 名 - revision(You may have to do three or four full revisions to this document before it is acceptable.)

