charge [tʃɑrdʒ] 動 - 索價;名 - 費用
v., to demand payment; n., an expense or a cost
The customer service representative was responsible for telling all existing
customers that higher prices would be charged next month.
The extra charge for gift wrapping your purchase will appear on your invoice.
compile [kəmˋpaɪl] 動 - 收集,編輯
v., to gather together form several sources
I have compiled a list of the most popular items for sale on our website.
The clerk is responsible for compiling the orders at the end of the day.
customer [ˋkʌstəmɚ] 名 - 顧客
n., on who purchases a commodity or service
Let's make sure all invoices sent to customers are kept in alphabetical orders.
As part of our customer satisfaction plan, let's offer a discount to customers who pay their invoices within a week.
discount [ˋdɪskaʊnt] 名 - 特價,折扣;動 - 打折
n., a reduction in price
Customers who pay their invoices before the end of the month receive a 5 percent discount.
The discount on the sale items was not very big.
- 動 - discount
(They discounted the price on the merchandise damaged in shipment.) - 名 - discount
(There is 20 percent discount on all the items for sale in the back room.) - 形 - discountable
(In most cases, damaged items are discountable.)
dispute [dɪˋspjut] 動 - 爭論,質疑
v., argue about, question, disagree with
Customers may dispute certain charges on the invoice.
A customer called the company to dispute the no returns policy.
- 動 - dispute
(If a customer wants to dispute an item on an invoice, please let the manager knows.) - 名 - dispute
(It is not a good idea to get into a dispute with a customer about small charges on an invoice.) - 形 - disputable
(Customers tend to believe that late charges on an invoice are disputable.)
efficient [ɪˋfɪʃənt] 形 - 有效率的
adj., acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste or unnecessary effort.
The accountant was so efficient in processing the customer receipts that she
had the job done before lunch.
Electronic invoicing has helped us to be efficient.
- 名 - efficiency
(The efficiency of our new billing system has resulted in almost all the invoices being paid on time.) - 形 - efficient
(We appreciate customers who are efficient about paying on time.) - 副 - efficiently
(If we work efficiently, we can get all these invoices sent out by the end of the day.)
estimate [ˋɛstə͵met] 動 - 估計;名 - 估算
v., to approximate the amount or value of something; to form an opinion about something; n., an approximation
We estimated our losses this year at about five thousand dollars.
In the owner's estimation, the high level of customer satisfaction was an adequate measure of how well the company was doing.
impose [ɪmˋpoz] 動 - 強制執行,迫使
v., to establish or apply as compulsory, to force upon others
The company will impose a surcharge for any items returned.
We should not impose upon our staff by requiring them to work on weekends.
- 動 - impose
(The government has decided to impose a larger sales tax on certain items, and this will be included on the invoice.) - 名 - imposition
(The customer disputed the imposition of certain charges on the invoice.) - 形 - imposing
(The size of the amount due on the invoice was imposing)
mistake [mɪˋstek] 名 - 錯誤
n., an error or a fault
I made a mistake in adding up your bill and we overcharged twenty dollars.
It was a mistake thinking that my boss would be reasonable when I explained by situation to him.
- 動 - mistake
(She mistook the amount on the invoice and overpaid.) - 名 - mistake
(The manager called the supplier as soon as he saw the mistake on the invoice.) - 形 - mistaken
(The customer never received the invoice because of the mistaken address on the envelope.)
promptly [prɑmptlɪ] 副 - 立即地,準時地
adv., on time, punctually
We always reply promptly to customers' letters.
The new sales agent promptly offered a full refund for the damaged goods.
- 名 - promptness
(We appreciate the promptness with which you pay your bills.) - 形 - prompt
(I am happy to receive statements that thank me for my prompt payment.) - 副 - promptly
(Companies sometimes give discounts to customers who pay their bills promptly.)
rectify [ˋrɛktə͵faɪ] 動 - 矯正,改正
v., to set right or correct
He rectified the problem by giving the customer credit for the unused items that she returned.
Embarrassed at his behavior, he rectified the situation by writing a letter of apology.
terms [tɝm] 名 - 條件,條款
n., conditions
The terms of payment were clearly listed at the bottom of the invoice.
The terms of the agreement required that items be fully paid for before they would be shipped.