2016年2月15日 星期一

You've Got Mail - 06. Hello, New Jersey!


Joe is on his sailboat. He is polishing his brass and whistling.

ANNABEL - Hey, Joe!!!

MATTHEW - Hello, Joe!!

Joe jumps off the boat onto the dock to greet his grandfather's daughter 
ANNABEL, 8, who is coming toward the dock with GILLIAN, his father's overdecorated 32-year-old fiance, her son, MATTHEW, 4, and the Nanny, MAUREEN. 

JOE - Hey! Hey hey.. I know you! Hahaha, I know you!,,,,Hello. (picks up Annabel) Annabel, little girl, how are you? 

JOE (picks up Matt) - And you.Matthew... how are you?


JOE - Good. You are ready to say hello to New Jersey?

JOE & MATTHEW & ANNABAL - Hello, New Jersey!

GILLIAN - Don't I get a hello? 

JOE - Hello, Gillian. 

GILLIAN - Kiss me. I'm going to be your wicked stepmother. 

Joe gives her a peck on the cheek. 

JOE - Here you go. Hello, and who is this? 

GILLIAN - Nanny Maureen. I brought her in case you couldn't handle the kids. 

ANNABEL - Maureen's getting a divorce. 

JOE - Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 

MAUREEN - It's my own fault. Never marry a man who lies. 

JOE - That is so wise. Yes, Annabel, remember that.

ANNABEL - She taught Matt how to spell his name. 

JOE - Really? Let's hear it. 

MATT - F-O-X. 

JOE - Excellent, excellent, you know, I've got this covered. You can have the day off. (to Gillian) I'm sure you must be late for something. Volunteering at the Henry Street Setlment, rolling bandages....for Bosnian refugees

GILLIAN - I am. I'm having my eggs harvested. 

JOE - And getting those eggs harvested. Don't worry about a thing. See you latter.

ANNABEL - Bye, Maureen, bye, Gillian.

MATT - Bye, Mom.

Gillian and Maureen left.

JOE -  All right, you guys, are you ready to go out on the boat?


JOE - What happened to you? What happened?


There's a block street fair with little booths, sausage sandwich concessions, etc. Annabel and Matt have been to the makeup booth. Annabel is a cat and Matt is a pirate. Annabel is carrying a goldfish in a baggie as they walk toward Broadway. 

ANNABEL - How are the fish doing?

JOE - The fish doing well. They're very happy.

ANNABEL - Are they?

JOE - Yes, Hey you guys want to go to a movie? How about the movie?

ANNABEL - There's nothing good playing. Oh, look, the storybook lady.

JOE - Are we at the right time? Yeah, let's go.

As Joe, Annabel and Matt walk past. There's some sort of toy miniature princess in a pointed hat sitting outside the store and a sign lit with twinkle lights: Storybook Lady today 3:30. 

