2016年2月15日 星期一

You've Got Mail - 07. F-O-X

Kathleen is sitting on a stool reading to a group of CHILDREN, including Annabel and Matt, who are crammed into her store. Joe is watching, along with some PARENTS as Kathleen reads from a Roald Dahl book. 

KATHLEEN (reads the book loudly) - ...that who's I, I along had the idea for the great and daring mouse plot. We all have our moments of brilliance and glory...and this was mine. "Why don't we,"' I said... "slip it into one of Mrs. Pratchett's jars of sweets? And then...when she puts her dirty hand in to grab a handful...she will grab a stinky, dead mouse instead." The other four stared at me in wonder. Then, as the sheer genius of the plot began to sink in....they all started grinning. They slapped me on the back. They cheered me. They danced around the classroom. "We will do it today!' they cried." "We'll do it on the way home. You had the idea," they said to me. "So you can be the one who puts the mouse in the jar.''....

Matt is sitting on the floor reading a book. Kathleen is showing Annabel a copy of a book called Betsy-Tacy. 
In another section of the store: George is showing Joe a first edition of Swiss Family Robinson from the glass case. 

GEORGE - Uh, who belongs to this fish?

JOE - Oh, that's mine. Could you give me a hand with these used books?

KATHLEEN - And this is her best friend Tacy, whose real name is Anastasia, and the next book Betsy and Tacy become friends with Tib, whose real name, I am sorry to tell you, is Thelma. 

GEORGE - The illustrations are hand-tipped...

JOE - And that's why it costs so much. 

GEORGE - No, that's why it's worth so much. 

Joe smiles and turns to see Kathleen and Annabel at a whole shelf of Betsy-Tacy books. 

ANNABEL - I want all of them. 

KATHLEEN - You know, that's a lot for your dad to buy at one time. 

JOE - Ah...I'll think about it.

ANNABEL - Oh, my dad gets me all the books I want. 

KATHLEEN (looking over at Joe) - Well, that's very nice of him. 

ANNABEL - Oh, that's not my dad. That's my nephew...

KATHLEEN - You know, I don't really think that he could be your nephew... 

Joe approaches. 

JOE - Nah, nah, nah, It's true. Annabel is my aunt. Isn't that right, Aunt Annabel?

Annabel nods solemnly. 

ANNABELuh-huh...And Matt is...

KATHLEEN - Oh, wait, wait, wait, let me guess. (to Matt) Are you his uncle? 

MATT - No....

KATHLEEN - His grandfather? 

Matt start giggling. 

KATHLEEN (cont'd) - His great-grandfather? 

MATT - (shouting with glee) I'm his brother. 

JOEMatt is my father's son. Annabel is my grandfather's daughter.  We are .....an American family. 

He smiles at Kathleen, who finds herself smiling back. Annabel suddenly sneezes. Kathleen takes a handkerchief from her sleeve. It's an old fashioned hankie that's embroidered. She offers it to Annabel, who instead wipes her nose with her hand and then looks at the handkerchief, a little puzzled. 

KATHLEEN - Oh, here you go, young lady.

ANNABEL - What is that? 

KATHLEEN - That's a handkerchief. Oh my, do children not even know what handkerchiefs are? A handkerchief is a Kleenex you don't throw away, you see? My mother embroidered it for me...My initials and a daisy, because daisies are my favorite flower. 

JOE - May I ask who you are?

KATHLEEN - Kathleen Kelly. I own this store. And you are? 

JOE - Joe. Just call me Joe. (quickly) We'll take these books. 

He gets the one Matt is reading. And the two other Kathleen has gotten for Annabel. 

GEORGE - Ok, you're going to come back, aren't you? 

JOE - Of...yeah, of course. 

GEORGE - See, that is why we're going to go under. Because customers are loyal. 

KATHLEEN (by way of explanation) - They're opening a Foxbooks around the corner. 

ANNABEL - Foxbooks! My Daddy -- 

JOE (gently putting his hand over her mouth) - likes to buy at discount. But don't tell anybody, honey. It's nothing to be proud of. 

MATT (spelling)-  F-O-X. 

KATHLEEN - Oh....That's amazing. You can spell fox? Can you spell dog? 

MATT - F-O-X. 

JOE - Look at this dinosaur book. It's a pop-up dinosaur book. Wouldn't you like to have a dinosaur book like that? Wouldn't you like to read that here.(moves them to a corner, to them quickly) Annabel, you sit here and read Matt the book until I take care of things. Whatever you do, just don't listen to anything I say, ok?

Returns to counter and gives Kathleen some cash. 

JOE - And we take that pup-up book as well. The dinosaur one.

KATHLEEN - The world is not driven by discounts, believe me. I've been in business forever. I mean, I started helping my mother after school here when I was six years old, and I used to watch her, and it wasn't that she was selling books, it was that she was helping people become whoever they were going to turn out to be. Because when you read a book as a child it becomes part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your life does. (stops herself) I....I have gotten carried away. 

JOE - Yeah, you have, you've made me feel... 

He can't finish the sentence. He looks at her and sees, behind her on the shelf, a picture of a woman who is unmistakably Kathleen's mother, with a young Kathleen. 

JOE (cont'd) - Enchanting, your mother was enchanting. 

KATHLEEN - Yes,she was. 

GEORGE - Uh, how will you pay for this?

JOE - Cash.

KATHLEEN - How did you know that? 

JOE - Well, from the photograph. 


JOE - That you in the photograph? What are you doing?

KATHLEEN - Twirling. My mother and I used to twirl. Anyway. She left the store to me, and I'll to leave it to my daughter. 

GEORGE - Uh, $73, please?

JOE - How much?

GEORGE - Uh, $73. 

JOE - Oh...Uh, How old r...is your daughter now? 

KATHLEEN - I don't have a daughter....Oh,no, I'm not married. But eventually. 

She smiles at Joe... 

KATHLEEN - So yeah, the big bad Foxbooks can just go to hell. (handing him his books) Here you go. 

JOE - Thank you...Hey, we ready? 

Annabel and Matt join him at the counter. Kathleen gives them each a lollipop. 

JOE - That's nice.

ANNABEL - Bye, Kathleen. 

KATHLEEN - Goodbye, Annabel. Goodbye, Matt. 

MATT - Bye.

KATHLEEN - Oh, oh, Matt, you know what? I have to ask you another thing. Can you spell cat? 

MATT - F-O-X. 

JOE F-O-X.....Cat. Thanks....Good thing it wasn't the fish. Take care!

