2016年2月20日 星期六

單字課 020

adjustment [əˋdʒʌstmənt] 名 - 調整
n., change in order to match

With these adjustments to the numbers of screws and nuts, we are close to having an accurate count.

An adjustment to the number of damaged items would help us align our figures.

  • 動 - adjust
    (After you've verified the quantities in the stockroom, I'll adjust the number in the computer.)
  • 名 - adjustment
    (While the adjustments are being made to the computer inventory, the computer will be off-line and unavailable for use.)
  • 形 - adjustable
    (The height of the shelves is adjustable, which makes it easier to reach and count the merchandise.)

automatically [͵ɔtəˋmætɪk!ɪ] 副 - 自動地
adv., independently, without outside prompting

The computer automatically updates the inventory files when a sale is made.

This door opens automatically so it's easier to carry large boxes out of the stockroom.

  • 名 - automation
    (Computers have brought a heightened level of automation into the retain industry.)
  • 形 - automatic
    (The automatic updating of the inventory is convenient, but always a day behind.)
  • 副 - automatically
    (After every cash register transaction, the computer automatically updates the inventory record.)

crucial [ˋkruʃəl] 形 - 決定性的,重要的
adj., extremely significant or important

Knowing how many products we have in stock is crucial to our shipping procedures.

Inventory is a crucial process and must be taken seriously by all staff.

discrepancy [dɪˋskrɛpənsɪ] 名 - 不一致,差異
n., a divergence or disagreement

We easily explained the discrepancy between the two counts.

Unless you catch the error immediately, the discrepancy gets entered into the computer and becomes very difficult to correct.

disturb [dɪsˋtɝb] 動 - 打擾
v., to interfere with; to interrupt

Let's see how many products we can count in advance of inventory so we disturb fewer customers.

I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I need to ask you to move so I can record the products behind you.

  • 動 - disturb
    (Count as many of the items on the salesroom floor as you can without disturbing the customers.)
  • 名 - disturbance
    (After considering all the options, Ellen decided that closing the store a day to do the annual inventory would cause the least amount of disturbance for customers)
  • 副 - disturbingly
    (The computer count and the physical count were disturbingly incongruous, which distressed the store manager.

install [ɪnˋstɔl] 動 - 安裝
v., put equipment into place

Since we installed the new software, taking inventory has become a lot easier.

We'll need to get the new computers installed before we can take inventory.

reflect [rɪˋflɛkt] 動 - 顯示,反映
v., show, indicate

The numbers on the computer log should accurately reflect the actual numbers in the warehouse.

The way you handled the problems with the inventory reflects your professional attitude.

run [rʌn] 動 - 經營,運作
v., to operate

As long as the computer is running, you can keep adding new data.

The new cash registers look complicated but they are actually quite easy to run.

scan [skæn] 動 - 掃描,掃視
v., to look over quickly; to automatically record data with a scanner

Jasmine quickly scanned the list to see if any information was missing.
Jasmine 快速掃視了一下清單,確認所有資訊都沒有遺漏。

When we take inventory, we have to scan each item number into the computer.

  • 動 - scan
    (Scan the aisles and see if you find the missing carton.)
  • 名 - scanner
    (We will install a scanner at two of the computer terminals.)
  • 形 - scanned
    (These scanned documents need to be returned to their original owners.)

subtract [səbˋtrækt] 動 - 減掉
v., to take away; to deduct

Once you ring up an item, the computer automatically subtracts it from the inventory log.

Whoever did the inventory forgot to subtract the items that arrived damaged and were never put into the stockroom.

  • 動 - subtract
    (Subtract 50 from the total - I just found an unusable box.)
  • 名 - subtraction
    (If you feel confident doing basic addition and subtraction in hour head, you don't have to carry the calculator with you.)
  • 形 - subtracted
    (These subtracted figures don't add up to the total that was supposed to be subtracted.)

tedious [ˋtidɪəs] 形 - 冗長的,乏味的
adj., tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; boring

This may be tedious work but you will be glad the inventory is accurate when 
you hit the busy holiday sales season.

Counting merchandise all weekend is the most tedious job I can imagine.

  • 名 - tedium
    (I can't bear the tedium of taking inventory.)
  • 形 - tedious
    (Entering all the information about the inventory into the computer is a tedious job, but it has to be done.)
  • 副 - tediously
    (We worked tediously on the inventory for the entire weekend.)

verify [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ] 動 - 證實
v., to prove the truth of 

I can't verify the accuracy of these numbers, since I was not present for inventory weekend.

The inventory process verifies that you have accounted for all the items that are supposed to be in the store.

