2016年6月24日 星期五

單字課 049

accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ]  動 - 陪伴,伴隨著
v., to go with

It is good idea to ask a friend or relative to accompany you to a doctor's appointment when serious treatments will be discussed.

Detailed instructions accompany most medications.

admit  [ədˋmɪt] 動 - 允許進入,承認
v., to permit to enter

The injured patient was admitted to the unit directly from the emergency room.

The staff refused to admit the patient until he had proof of insurance.

  • 動 - admit
    (The patients lined the hospital corridors waiting to be admitted.)
  • 名 - admittance
    (Your admittance to the hospital is dependent on your showing proof that you can pay the bills.)
  • 名 - admission
    (Take these records down to Admissions and have them duplicate the files for you.)

authorize [ˋɔθə͵raɪz] 動 - 批准,授權
v., to approve

The doctor suggested that she check with her insurance company to make sure it would authorize a lengthened hospital stay.

We cannot share the test results with you until we have been authorized to do so by your doctor.

  • 動 - authorize
    (Your doctor has to authorize these tests before we can proceed with them.)
  • 名 - authority
    (Before major surgery, it is a good idea to five decision-making authority to a close relative in case something happens to you.)
  • 名 - authorization
    (The nurse could not submit an authorization over the phone; it had to be done in writing.)

designate [ˋdɛzɪg͵net] 動 - 指定,標出
v., to indicate or specify

The labels on the bags designated the type of blood they contained.

On her admittance form, Grandmother designated Aunt Tessa as her chief decision-maker.

  • 動 - designate
    (The hospital administrator designated a team to creat an emergency preparedness plan.)
  • 名 - designation
    (The designation of the hospital as one of the best in the region certainly helped its marketing efforts.)
  • 名 - designator
    (The national helth service is the sole designator ofwhichhospital will get the grants.)

escort [ˋɛskɔrt]  名 - 護送,護衛
n., a person accompanying another to guide or protect

Let's see if there is an escort available to take you to the parking garage.

You cannot leave the unit on you own; you'll have to wait for an escort.

tify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] 動 - 識別,鑑定
v., to ascertain the name or belongings of

The tiny bracelets identified each baby in the nursery.

Your medical records are all marked with your patient number to identify them in case of a mix-up.


  • 動 - identify
    (If you will identify your valuables, the nurse will give them back to you.)
  • 名 - identification
    (Please remember to bring some form of identification with you when you check in at the hospital.)
  • 形 - identifiable
    (The red cross on the hospital's helicopter landing pad was identifiable from the air.)

mission [ˋmɪʃən] 名 - 使命,任務
n., an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service

The hospital chaplain took as his mission to visit every patient admitted each day.

The nurse explained that the mission of everyone in the unit was to make sure the patients got well as soon as possible.

pertinent [ˋpɝtnənt] 形 - 貼切的,有關的
adj., having relevance to the matter at hand

You should mention any pertinent health issues to the staff before you are admitted for surgery.

The patient's health record contained pertinent information, like the dates of all his inoculations.


  • 名 - pertinence
    (The doctor was not certain about the pertinence of many of the details in the patent's long medical history.)
  • 形 - pertinent
    (The doctor will ask you for pertinent information, such as medications that you are currently taking.)

procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ] 名 - 程序,步驟
n., a series of steps taken to accomplish an end

The surgical procedure can now be done in half the amount of time it took even five years ago.

Call the hospital to schedule this procedure for tomorrow.

result [rɪˋzʌlt] 名 - 結果
n., an outcome

Your lab results won't be ready for hours.

The scientific results prove that the new procedure is not significantly safer than the traditional one.

 [ˋstetmənt] 名 - 結算表,清單,報表
n., an accounting showing an amount due; a bill

The billing statement was filed with the insurance company last month.

Check with your doctor's office for an original statement; we cannot process a faxed copy.

surgery [ˋsɝdʒərɪ] 名 - (外科)手術
n., a medical procedure that involves cutting into the body

The development of medical technology has made surgery much easier on the patient.

Miranda had to stay in the hospital for several days following the surgery.


  • 名 - surgery
    (I have been felling much better ever since I had surgery done on my back.)
  • 名 - surgeon
    (You will have an appointment with the surgeon so that she can explain the procedure to you.)
  • 形 - surgical
    (It is important to keep surgical equipment absolutely clean.)

2 則留言:

  1. 感謝版大,佛心來的,感謝感恩。

  2. 感謝你的筆記,雖然沒有50課,但也是無私提供><
