2016年6月12日 星期日

單字課 043

available [əˋveləb!] 形 - 可用的,有空的
adj., ready for use; wiling to serve

In order to understand all the words to the opera, Sue Lin kept an Italian dictionary available at all times.
為了瞭解歌劇裡的每一個字,Sue Lin整場都帶著義大利字典。

The website has an amazing variety of music available for downloading.

broaden [ˋbrɔdn] 動 - 變寬
v., to make wider

Dominique wants to broaden her knowledge of opera history.

You will appreciate music more if you broaden your tastes and listen to several types of music.

  • 動 - broaden
    (Connie has a hube variety of music on her iPod because she is trying to broaden her musical tastes.)
  • 形 - broad
    (We'll cover a broad range of music in the music appreciation class.)
  • 副 - broadly
    (The orchestra director travels broadly in search of new musical talent.)

category [ˋkætə͵gorɪ] 名 - 分類,類別
n., a division in a system of classification; a general class of ideas

Jazz is one of many categories of music.

The works of Mozart are in a category by themselves.

  • 動 - categorize
    (Some singers have a broad range of styles and are difficult to categorize.)
  • 名 - category
    (Most of the music Sam listens to falls into the category of classical music.)
  • 形 - categorical
    (The sheet music follows the categorical system used in most liberates.)

disparate [ˋdɪspərɪt] 形 - 不同的,異類的
adj., fundamentally distinct or different

In the song, the disparate voices hauntingly join a blended chorus.

PS. 看到這個例句,想到一個關於 Canon in D 的影片

Religious songs cut across disparate categories of music.

divide [dəˋvaɪd] 動 - 劃分,分開
v., to seperate into parts

The music class was evenly divided between those who liked country and western music and those who did not.

The broad topic of music can be divided into manageable parts, such as themes, styles and centuries.

  • 動 - divide
    (Louse can divide her musical tastes into two broad categories: rock and jazz.)
  • 名 - division
    (There are a lot of different styles of rock music, but the divisions between them aren't always distinct.)
  • 名 - divider
    (The room divider didn't effectively block sound and we could clearly hear the piano students as they practiced.)

favor [ˋfevɚ] 動 - 喜愛
v., to be partial to 

Sam enjoys the works of several composers but he tends to favor Mozart.

I'd favor an evening at a jazz concert over an evening at the opera any time.

  • 動 - favor
    (The music critic clearly favors some musicians over others.)
  • 形 - favorite
    (The teenager hadan extensive collectionof musc by all her favorite groups.)
  • 形 - favorable
    (The favorable reviews of the group's new album helped to push the album up the sales charts.)

instinct [ˋɪnstɪŋkt] 名 - 本能,天性
n., an inborn pattern that is a powerful motivation

The student's ability to play the cello was so natural, it seemed an instinct.

The music lover followed his instincts and collected only music that he enjoyed.

lively [ˋlaɪvlɪ] 形 - 充滿活力,活潑的
adj., full of energy

Some people enjoy lively music, whereas others tend to prefer slow types of music.

The lively dance was fun but very tiring.

reason [ˋrizn] 名 - 原因
n., the baisis or motive for an action; an underlying fact or cause

We'll never understand the reason why some music is popular and some is not.

There is every reason to believe that Beethoven will still be popular in the next century.

 [͵rilæksˋeʃən] 名 - 放鬆
n., the act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed; refreshment of body or mind

Listening to soothing music before bedtime provides good relaxation.

He played the piano for relaxation and pleasure.

  • 動 - relax
    (After a longconcert tour, the singer liked to relax by the pool.)
  • 名 - relaxation
    (Listening to music is an enduring form of relaxation.)
  • 形 - relaxing
    (There is nothing more relaxing than listening to music.)

taste [test] 名 - 品味
n., the ability to discern what is excellent or appropriate

Ella had the taste required to select a musical program for the visiting dignitaries.

This music does not appeal to my tastes; but I'm old-fashioned.

urge [ɝdʒ]  動 - 催促,主張
v., to advocate earnestly

His mother urged him to study the piano; the rest is musical history.

Despite my reluctance, my friends urged me to attend an opera.

  • 動 - urge
    (My music teacher urged me not to give up the violin even though I was having such a hard time with it.)
  • 名 - urge
    (Richard gets the urge to play the guitar every time he passes a music store window.)
  • 形 - urgent
    (It's urgent to order those concert tickets as soon as possible because they will sell out quickly.)

