annually [ˋænjʊəlɪ] 副 - 每年地,年度地
adv., once a year
Everyone should get a physical exam annually.
A number of tests are provided annually by my insurance plan.
appointment [əˋpɔɪntmənt] 名 - 預約,約會,職位
n., arrangements for a meeting; a position in a profession
n., arrangements for a meeting; a position in a profession
To get the most out of your appointment, keep a log of your symptoms and concerns.
The psychiatrist holds an academic appointment at the university hospital as well as having a private practice.
assess [əˋsɛs] 動 - 估定,評定
v., to judge or evaluate
It is a good idea to have a doctor assess your health every one or two years.
The physical therapist assessed the amount of mobility Ms. Crowl had lost after her accident.
- 動 - assess
(He was able to assess her health probelms with the help of her detailed medical history.) - 名 - assessment
(The specialist's assessment of the patient's condition was consistent with the general practitioner's.) - 形 - assessable
(That medical condition is not assessable by this laboratory test.)
*不要跟 access 搞混了。 access = 接近,使用;assess = 評估,判定
diagnose [ˋdaɪəgnoz] 動 - 診斷,判斷
v., to recognize a disease; to analyze the nature of something
v., to recognize a disease; to analyze the nature of something
After considering the patient's symptoms and looking at his test results, the doctor diagnosed the lump as benign.
She diagnosed the problem as a failure to follow the directions for taking the medication.
- 動 - diagnose
(Her symptoms are overlapping, making it difficult to diagnose the exact cause of her chest pain.) - 名 - diagnosis
(Phil did a much better job of taking care of himself once his father had a diagnosis of lung cancer.) - 形 - diagnostic
(The new X-ray suite has all the latest diagnostic equipment.)
effective [ɪˋfɛktɪv] 形 - 有效的,起作用的
adj., producing the desired effect; being in effect
Howard was pleased to find that the diet recommended by his doctor was quite effective.
The now policies, effective the beginning of the fiscal year, change the amount charged to see the physician.
instrument [ˋɪnstrəmənt] 名 - 儀器
n., a tool for precise work; the means whereby something is achieved
n., a tool for precise work; the means whereby something is achieved
The pediatrician tried not to frighten the children with her strange-looking instruments.
The senior physician carried his instruments in a black leather bag.
manage [ˋmænɪdʒ] 動 - 管理,經營
v., to hanndle; to deal with; to guide
v., to hanndle; to deal with; to guide
The head nurse's ability to manage her staff through a difficult time caught the hospital administrator's attention.
By carefully managing their limited resources, the couple found the money for the elective surgery.
prevent [prɪˋvɛnt] 動 - 預防,防止
v., to keep from happening; to hinder
v., to keep from happening; to hinder
By encouraging teenagers not to smoke, doctors are hoping to prevent many cases of cancer.
His full caseload prevented the doctor from taking on new patients.
- 動 - prevent
(By stopping smoking now, you may be able to prevent lung cancer.) - 名 - prevention
(He made a career of disease prevention through mass vaccinations.) - 形 - preventive
(Eloise took preventive steps against gum disease by more thorough toothbrushing.)
recommendation [͵rɛkəmɛnˋdeʃən] 名 - 建議,推薦(信)
n., advice; endorsement
It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations if you want to improve your health.
The professor gave her former student a recommendation when he applied for a job at the hospital.
- 動 - recommend
(I recommend that you have this test annually starting at age 40.) - 名 - recommendation
(Against my doctor's recommendation, I decided to purchase the generic brand of medication.) - 形 - recommendable
(There is nothing particularly recommendable about this therapy over the other therapy I mentioned.)
n., an official copy of documents
Ms. Han typed a written request for her medical records.
The official records kept in the city archives showed that an unusually high number of babies are born in the summer months.
- 動 - record
(The doctor recores the patient's description of her symptoms in the patient's medical chart.) - 名 - record
(When you apply for health insurance, the insurance company will probably want to look at your medical records.) - 形 - recorded
(After office hours there is a recorded message on the doctor's answering machine that gives an emergency telephone number.)
refer [rɪˋfɝ] 動 - 指出,提及
v., to direct for treatment or information; to mention
I was referred to this specialist by the family practice nurse.
As soon as Agnes referred to the failed treatment, everyone's mood soured.
serious [ˋsɪrɪəs] 形 - 嚴肅的,嚴重的
adj., very bad or very important; not funny
Sara's illness is serious but the doctors say they can treat it.
The patient felt nervous when he saw the serious expression on the doctor's face.
- 名 - seriousness
(Martha's doctor tried to make her understand the seriousness of her condition.) - 形 - serious
(Mr. Kim was relieved to find out that his disease was not serious.) - 副 - seriously
(The doctor spoke seriously with Arthur about the need to lose weight.)
*家母近期被診斷出肺癌末期,這篇的例句,讓人五味雜陳啊... /_>\
他是新竹中學退休的老師 , 算是新竹奇人
會不定期分享影片 對身體復建很有幫助