2016年6月15日 星期三

單字課 045

assignment [əˋsaɪnmənt] 名 - 任務
n., something, such as a task, that is assigned

This assignment has to be turned in before midnight.

When the reporter is on assignment, research piles up on her desk.

constantly [ˋkɑnstəntlɪ] 副 - 時常地
adv., continually

An advantage of Internet news reports is that they can be constantly updated.

People constantly look to the news to keep up-to-date on what is going on in the world.

  • 名 - constancy
    (The reporter's constancy in writing thorough news reports earned her a loyal following of readers.)
  • 形 - constant
    (The constant ringing of the telephone distracted Susan from writing her report.)
  • 副 - constantly
    (The editor constantly asks the reporters to recheck their facts.)

constitute [ˋkɑnstə͵tjut] 動 - 構成,組成
v., to be the elements or parts of

All the different news sources constitute the media industry.

A talented staff, adequate printing facilities, and sufficient distribution points constitute a successful newspaper.

decision [dɪˋsɪʒən] 名 - 決定
n., judgment or choice

The court made the decision to allow the newspaper to print the controversial story.

Newspaper editors often have to make quick decisions about which stories to publish.

  • 動 - decide
    (The editor decided not to publish the story because the facts were unreliable.)
  • 名 - decision
    (The decision to lay off several reporters was made for financial reasons alone.)
  • 形 - decisive
    (Newspaper editors must be decisive when determining which stories go on the front page.)

disseminate [dɪˋsɛmə͵net] 動 - 傳播,宣傳
v., to scatter widely; to distribute

The Internet disseminates news more quickly than any newspapers, TV, or the radio can.

The computer virus was disseminated through the newsroom by reporters sharing terminals.

impact [ˋɪmpækt] 名 - 衝擊,影響
n., a strong, immediate impression

The story of the presidential scandal had a huge impact on the public.

The impact of the news coverage is yet to be known.

in-depth [ˋɪnˋdɛpθ] 形 - 全面的,深入的
adj., in complete detail; thorough

The newspaper gave in-depth coverage of the tragic bombing.

Ivan's in-depth story on the spread of the disease received praise from many of his colleagues.

investigate [ɪnˋvɛstə͵get] 動 - 調查,研究
v., to uncover and report hidden information

Reporters need to thoroughly investigate the facts before publishing their stories.

Michelle's editor sent her to the capital to investigate the story behind the government scandal.

  • 動 - investigate
    (Alban was excited about his first chance to investigate a story.)
  • 名 - investigation
    (The investigation into the president's past was covered by the media worldwide.)
  • 形 - investigative
    (After turning up details in the crime that even the police had missed, Helen became well known as an investigative reporter.)

link [lɪŋk] 名 - 連結,關聯
n.,  an association; a relationship

The computer links will take you to today's headlines.

The father-daughter team of reporters is just one example of many family links at this newspaper.

politician [͵pɑləˋtɪʃən] 名 - 政治家,政客
n., a person involved in government activities

The news media cover the activities of all the major politicians.

The politician refused to talk to reporters about her private life.

  • 名 - politician
    (More and more politicians are using the Internet as a way to communicate with their supporters.)
  • 名 - politics
    (Anyone who chooses a career in politics has to learn how to speak with news reporters.)
  • 形 - political
    (Many blogs focus on political news and opinions.)

subscribe [səbˋskraɪb] 動 - 訂閱,捐款
v., to receive a periodical regularly on order

Jill subscribes to a gardening magazine.

Many people have stopped subscribing to newspaper because they prefer to read the news online.

  • 動 - subscribe
    (I subscribe to the local newspaper to stay current.)
  • 名 - subscription
    (Buying a subscription to the magazine was much less expensive than buying individual issues.)
  • 名 - subscribers
    (The magazine went out of business because it did not have enough subscribers.)

 [ˋθɝo] 形 - 完全的,徹底的
adj., exhaustively complete

The reporters were thorough  in their coverage of the event.

The story was the result of thorough research.

  • 名 - thoroughness
    (A newspaper cannot survive long without a reputation for thoroughness.)
  • 形 - thorough
    (Toshi is famous for her thorough and fair reporting of the issues.)
  • 副 - thoroughly
    (The reporter thoroughly checked all his facts to avoid any potential embarrassment.)

