2016年6月22日 星期三

單字課 048

alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv]  形 - 替代的,二選一的
adj., allowing a choice; other

To lower the cost of health insurance, my employer chose an alternative method of insuring us.

I'd like to discuss alternative treatments before I agree to anything.

aspect [ˋæspɛkt] 名 - 觀點,外表
n.,  a feature element; an appearance

The right to choose their own doctor is an important aspect of health coverage for many people.

The aspect of HMOs that people most dislike is the lack of personal service.

concern [kənˋsɝn] 名 - 不安,擔心,影響
n., anxiety; worry

Whenever I have health concerns, I call my doctor.

The rising cost of health care is of great concern to many people.

  • 動 - concern
    (It concerns me that we haven't bee able to finda suitable health insurance plan.)
  • 名 - concern
    (A good doctor will pay attention to any and all concerns the patient empresses about his or her health.)
  • 形 - concerned
    (I am concerned about the limited benefits this insurance plan offers.)

emphasize [ˋɛmfə͵saɪz] 動 - 強調,加強
v., to stress

The nurse emphasized the importance of eating a balanced diet.

The new insurance plan emphasizes wellness by providing reimbursement for health club memberships.

  • 動 - emphasize
    (The plan representative emphasized the need for a second medical opinion.)
  • 名 - emphasis
    (The emphasis of the health plan is on staying well.)
  • 形 - emphatic
    (Hassan made an emphatic appeal to the medical insurance director.)

incur [ɪnˋkɝ] 動 - 招致,帶來
v., to become subject to 

I incurred substantial expenses that my health plan does not cover.

Dominic incurs the cost of a co-payment at each doctor's visit.

台灣的全民健保是社會保險,所以這篇的一些用語跟概念比較不常見,ㄧ些保險用詞可以參照這篇:7.2 購買健康醫療保險

personnel [͵pɝsnˋɛl] 名 - 員工(全體)
n., a group of employees or workers

The office manager insisted that she needed more personnel to finish the project on time.

The employee went to see the director of personnel about taking an extended leave of absence.

policy [ˋpɑləsɪ] 名 - 政策
n., a set of rules and regulations

Company policy did not provide for overtime pay.

The company's insurance policy did not cover cosmetic surgery.

portion [ˋporʃən] 名 - (一)部分
n., a section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole

A portion of my benefits is my health care coverage.

I am keeping a record of the portion of my income I spend on health care.

regardless [rɪˋgɑrdlɪs] 副 - 儘管
adv., in spite of

Regardless of the cost, we all need health insurance.

I keep going to the same doctor, regardless of the fact that she does not take my pain seriously.

  • 動 - regard
    (We regard this health insurance plan as one of the best options available.)
  • 形 - regardful
    (The company was not regardful of the needs of most of the employees when it chose this health insurance plan.)
  • 副 - regardless
    (I took the job regardless of the poor health benefits the company offers.)

reimburse [͵riɪmˋbɝs] 動 - 償還
v., pay back money spent for a specific purpose

The insurance company may not reimburse you for the entire cost of your medical care.

The insurance company reimbursed Donald for the cost of his trip to the emergency room.

  • 動 - reimburse
    (The insurance company should reimburse you within one month.)
  • 名 - reimbursement
    (Paula was disappointed with the small reimbursement she received from her insurance company.)
  • 形 - reimbursable
    (Before you pay for an expensive treatment, you should check with your insurance company to find out if it is reimbursable.)

suit [sut] 動 - 適合,滿足
v., to be appropriate; to satisfy

This insurance plan does't suit our family as it doesn't cover well-baby care.

I have finally found a health plan that suits my needs.

  • 動 - suit
    (I'm dropping my health plan because it does not suit my needs.)
  • 形 - suitable
    (Not everykind of health insurance is suitable for every family.)
  • 副 - suitably
    (The errors on my insurance statement were caught and suitably fixed.)

treatment  [ˋtritmənt] 名 - 治療,療程
n., care provided for a medical condition

Karl's health greatly improved under his new doctor's treatment.

The treatment that the doctor recommended was expensive and not really effective.

  • 動 - treat
    (The best way to treat a cold is to stay in bed for a few days.)
  • 名 - treatment
    (Sam does not like to take drugs and prefers to use natural treatments.)
  • 形 - treatable
    (The doctor told Marya that her condition was treatable with diet and exercise.)

