2016年4月20日 星期三

單字課 035

assist [əˋsɪst] 動 - 幫助
v., to give help or support to

Bonnie hired a secretary to assist her with the many details of the event.

The hotel manager was able to assist us with some last-minute advice.

  • 動 - assist
    (Let me assist you with planning your next event.)
  • 名 - assistance
    (Dennis's idea of assistance is to call a professional firm for advice.)
  • 名 - assistant
    (In light of the number of events she had to run this year, Annu asked her boss for an assistant.)

coordinate [koˋɔrdnɪt] 動 - 協調
v., to adjust or arrange parts to work together

Benet tried to coordinate all departments to make sure the event ran smoothly.

The colors of the flowers were ordered to coordinate with the colors in the corporate logo.


  • 動 - coordinate
    (Ralph had a hard time coordinating the scheduales of everybody in volved in planning the event.)
  • 名 - coordination
    (Edna is a very good organizer, and coordination of events is one of her specialities.)
  • 名 - coordinator
    (The staff chose Marcel to be the coordinator for the company picnic.)

dimension [dɪˋmɛnʃən] 名 - 尺寸
n., a measure of width, height, or length

What are the dimensions of the ballroom?

We need the dimensions of the meeting rooms before we can determine how many chairs each will hold.

event  [ɪˋvɛnt] 名 - 特別活動,事件
n., an organized occasion

The spring conference is our biggest yearly event.

This hotel is a popular place for events because of its beautiful location.

exact [ɪgˋzækt] 形 - 精確的
adj., characterized by accurate measurements or inferences

We will need an exact head count by noon tomorrow.

The exact measurements of the room are unknown, but we can guess.


  • 名 - exactness
    (Exactness in all details is important when planning a large event.)
  • 形 - exact
    (Everything went according to schedule so we were able to betin the speeches at the exact time that had been planned.)
  • 副 - exactly
    (It is impossible to know ahead of time exactly how many people will attend an event.)

general [ˋdʒɛnərəl] 形 - 一般的,普遍的,大體上的,籠統的
adj., involving only the main features rather than precise details

We have a general idea of how many guests will attend.

In general, about half the guests will bring their spouses.


  • 動 - generalize
    (When we generalize, we must be aware of the many exceptions.)
  • 形 - general
    (I need a general idea of what you want before I can provide specifica answers.)
  • 副 - generally
    (Although I cannot speak for every case, generally it is less expensive to buy in quantity.)

ideally [aɪˋdiəlɪ] 副 - 理想地
adv., perfectly; conforming to an ideal

Ideally, the location for the concert would have plenty of parking.

Lucy explained that ideally her wedding would take place on the beach, but she realized it might be difficult to arrange.


  • 動 - idealize
    (Rhoda idealized the location until she could no longer see any flaws in it.)
  • 形 - ideal
    (A hotel with a large garden would be the ideal site for the reception.)
  • 副 - ideally
    (Ideally, the site would be within our budget and have an outdoor area.)

lead time 名 - 前置時間,完成某項活動所需的時間
n., the time between the initial stage of a project and the appearance of results

The lead time for reservations is unrealistic.

We will need to give the caterer enough lead time to cut the cake.

proximity [prɑkˋsɪmətɪ] 名 - 鄰近
n., the state, quality, sense, of fact of being near or next to; closeness

The fans were worried by the proximity of the storm clouds.

An important factor in selecting the site was its close proximity to a parking garage.

regulate [ˋrɛgjə͵let] 動 - 管理
v., to control

The state strictly regulates the preparation of food for public consumption.
The site staff closely regulates how many cars can be brought on the grounds.



  • 動 - regulate
    (The state will regulate the food-handling precautions.)
  • 名 - regulation
    (Please obey the state regulations regarding serving alcohol to minors.)
  • 形 - regulatory
    (Even though it is private, the country club's kitchen is subject to the rules of regulatory agencies.)

site [saɪt] 名 - 地點,場所
n., a place or setting

Once we saw the site, we knew it would be perfect for the event.

The manager of the site was most helpful.

stage [stedʒ] 動 - 上演,舉行
v., to exhibit or present

The gazebo outside was the perfect location from which to stage the cutting of the cake.

A historic house can be the perfect site to stage a small reception.

