2016年4月15日 星期五

單字課 029

anxious [ˋæŋkʃəs] 形 - 焦慮的
adj., worried

The developers were anxious about the sales forecast for the new product.

The graphic designers tried to be calm during their presentation, but you could tell they were anxious it would not be well received.

  • 名 - anxiety
    (The level of anxiety was high when the experimental car underwent road tests.)
  • 形 - anxious
    (If you feel anxious, sit down and try to relax.)
  • 副 - anxiously
    (The stockholders anxiously awaited the release of the new drug that, if successful, would make their stocks more valuable.)

ascertain [͵æsɚˋten] 動 - 查明,弄清楚
v., to discover; to find out

A necessary part of product development is to ascertain whether the product is safe.

A customer survey will help to ascertain whether there is a market for the product.

assume  [əˋsjum]  動 - 承擔,認為
v., to take upon oneself; to believe to be true

The young man felt ready to assume the new responsibilities of his promotion.

A company should assume nothing about the market but instead pay close attention to research results.

  • 動 - assume
    (Product developers should assume nothing that research does not support.)
  • 名 - assumption
    (Most consumers make the assumption that, unless they are warned otherwise, the products they buy are safe.)
  • 形 - assumed
    (The assumed results should be kept confidential until the product is retested.)

decade [ˋdɛked]  名 - 十年
n., a period of ten years

After a decade of trying, the company finally developed a vastly superior product.

Each decade seems to have its own fad products.

examine [ɪgˋzæmɪn]  動 - 審查,細查
v., to interrogate; to scrutinize

Before marketing a new product, researchers must carefully examine it from every aspect.

Good researchers have to examine every possible option, including some that seem bizarre.

experiment [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns]  動 - 實驗;名 - 實驗
v., to try out a new procedure or idea; n., a test or trial

Product developers must conduct hundreds of experiments in their research.

After designing a new product, researchers continue experimenting to determine whether it has other uses.

  • 動 - experiment
    (The product developer had experimented with improving electronic equipment since she was in the sixth grade.)
  • 名 - experimentation
    (Hi-tech companies are constantly involved in experimentation with new products in order to stay ahead of their competitors.)
  • 形 - experimental
    (The new computer was experimental, so you could try it at the store, but you couldn't buy one.)

logical [ˋlɑdʒɪk!] 形 - 有邏輯的
adj., formally valid; using orderly reasoning

It is only logical for a research and development team to concentrate on one or two new products at a time.

In addition to logical thinkers, a good research and development team should include a few dreamers.

  • 名 - logic
    (Most problems can be easily solved by the application of logic)
  • 形 - logical
    (It was logical to put Martha in charge of the project as she had spent so much time developing the idea.)
  • 副 - logically
    (I thought Mr. Lee answered the question quite logically.)

research [rɪˋsɝtʃ] 名 - 研究
n., the act of collecting information about a particular subject.

Part of the research the team does is to determine whether similar products are already on the market.

For toy manufacturers, research can be pure fun.

responsibility [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] 名 - 職責
n., a task

The product development department has a huge responsibility to be sure that the product is safe, even if used improperly.

Another responsibility of product development is to ensure that there will be a demand for the product.

  • 名 - responsibility
    (Although the unitimate responsibility falls on the supervisor, every employee shares it.)
  • 形 - responsible
    (The researcher responsible for passing the defective product has joined the cafeteria workers' assembly line.)
  • 副 - responsibly
    (Product designers must act responsibly when they consider how a product might be misused.)

solve [sɑlv] 動 - 解決,解答
v., to find a solution, explanation, or answer

Researchers find that every time they solve one problem, two more result.

One of the biggest problems to solve is why people would want to own the new product.

 [͵supɚˋvaɪzɚ] 名 - 指導人,管理人
n., an administrator in charge

The department supervisor has to balance his departments' responsibilities in order to keep the president satisfied with its progress.

A good supervisor gets his team to work with him, not just for him.

  • 動 - supervise
    (It's important to carefully supervise the collection of research data to ensure its accuracy.)
  • 名 - supervisor
    (George hopes to be promoted to supervisor of his department.)
  • 名 - supervision
    (Many employees do better work when they are under less supervision.)

systematically [͵sɪstəˋmætɪk!ɪ] 副 - 有系統地,有計劃地
adv., methodically; following a system

Once the creative development is completed, the department works systematically toward making the idea a reality.

While creative thinking is necessary, analyzing a problem systematically is indispensable.

