2016年5月12日 星期四

單字課 036

agent [ˋedʒənt] 名 - 代理商,代辦
n., a representative of a company

The gate agent will make an announcement when it is time to board the plane.

You can buy your ticket from the ticket agent at the train station right before you get on the train.

announcement [əˋnaʊnsmənt]  名 - 通知,宣佈
n., a public notification
Did you hear an announcement about our new departure time?

I expect an announcement any time now about a snow emergency at the airport.

  • 動 - announce
    (The captain announced that the flight would be landing in approximately 15 minutes.)
  • 名 - announcement
    (The flight attendant made an announcement reminding the passengers that this was a no-smoking flight.)
  • 名 - announcer
    (The announcer gave the instructions for boarding, in three languages.)

beverage [ˋbɛvərɪdʒ] 名 - 飲料
n., a drink other than plain water
The flight attendant offered all passengers a cold beverage during the flight.

Hot and cold beverages as well as snacks are for sale in the train's cafe car.

board [bord] 動 - 上(船、飛機、火車)
v., to enter a boat, plane, or train

For security reasons, visitors are not allowed in the area of the airport where passengers board the planes.

We will board the train for New York in ten minutes.

claim [klem]  動 - 聲明,宣稱,認領,取得
v., to take as rightful; to retrieve

Please proceed directly to the baggage arrival area to claim your luggage.

Lost luggage can be claimed at the airline office.

  • 動 - claim
    (Iternational passengers must proceed to customs as soon as they claim their baggage.)
  • 名 - claim
    (If the airline has lost your luggage, you can file a claim with the insurance company.)
  • 名 - claimant
    (There was a long line of claimants waiting at the lost luggage office.)

delay [dɪˋle] 動 - 延遲
v., to postpone until a later time

The bus was delayed due to inclement weather.

The heavy traffic delayed our arrival at the train station.

  • 動 - delay
    (Please don't delay me; I need to get to my gate immediately.)
  • 名 - delay
    (The delay in takeoff times was caused by a bad storm.)

depart [dɪˋpɑrt] 動 - 離開,違反(常規)
v., to go away or leave; to vary from a regular course of action

After the wedding, the married couple departed for their honeymoon in Morocco.

We're going to depart form our usual policy and allow you to leave work early one day a week.

  • 動 - depart
    (The flight will depart from Gate 25.)
  • 名 - departure
    (The pilot always reminds the flight attendants to make sure that all passengers are ready for departure.)
  • 形 - departed
    (The house felt empty without the departed guestes.)

embarkation [͵ɛmbɑrˋkeʃən] 名 - 乘坐,搭乘
n., the process of getting on a plane or a ship

Cruise passengers are given a pass for embarkation when they check in at the dock.

The flight crew must check the passengers' documents before embarkation.

itinerary [aɪˋtɪnə͵rɛrɪ] 名 - 旅程,路線,行程
n., a proposed route for a journey, showing dates and means of travel

He planned his itinerary after visiting several travel websites.

I had to change my itinerary when I decided to add two more countries to my vacation.

luggage  [ˋlʌgɪdʒ]  名 - 行李(箱)
n., a suitcases, baggage

Airlines often limit the amount of luggage each person is allowed to carry.

Traveling is a lot easier if you bring less luggage with you.

prohibit [prəˋhɪbɪt] 動 - 禁止、阻止
v., to forbid by authority or to prevent

The bus company prohibits people without tickets from boarding the bus.

Airline regulations prohibit the passengers from having beverage open during takeoff and landing.

  • 動 - prohibit
    (Bus company regulations prohibit passengers from talking with the driver while the bus is moving.)
  • 名 - prohibition
    (The prohibition of many common items on airplanes can make it difficult for airplane travelers to pack their luggage.)
  • 形 - prohibited
    (A passenger who carries a prohibited item onto an airplane may end up in the hands of security officers.)

valid [ˋvælɪd] 形 - 有效的,(法律上)認可的
adj., having legal efficacy or correctness

I need to make certain that my passport is valid if we plan to go overseas this December.

These tickets are no longer valid after the date printed on the back.

  • 動 - validate
    (You can get your parking ticket validated at the concierge desk.)
  • 名 - validity
    (The agent will check the validity of your passport before you board the plane.)
  • 形 - valid
    (Your ticket is no longer valid because it was issued over a year ago.)

