adhere to 動 - 遵守,堅持
v., to follow; to pay attention to
The chairman never adhered to his own rules.
The best committee members are those who adhere to the time limits and speak only when they have something important to add
- 動 - adhere
(The chairperson asked us to adhere to the items on the agenda.) - 名 - adherence
(Your adherence to these guidelines would be appreciated.)
agenda [əˋdʒɛndə] 名 - 議程表,日常工作事項
n., a list of topics to be discussed
The board was able to cover fifteen items on the agenda.
The agenda was sent out three weeks ago so that everyone could prepare for the meeting.
bring up 動 - 談起
v., to introduce a topic
Just as the meeting was about to finish, the manager brought up a controversial issue.
No one brought up the resignation of the director.
conclude [kənˋklud] 動 - 結束,作出結論
v., to stop; to come to a decision
The committee members concluded the meeting early so that they could finish their budgets.
conclude [kənˋklud] 動 - 結束,作出結論
v., to stop; to come to a decision
The committee members concluded the meeting early so that they could finish their budgets.
After long discussions, the board has concluded that the project has to be canceled.
- 動 - conclude
(To conclude, we must all focus on the year ahead of us and the challenges that we will face.) - 名 - conclusion
(Unfortunately, the conclusion of the meeting was that they needed to downsize their workforce.) - 形 - conclusive
(There is no conclusive evidence to back up the report.)
go ahead 動 - 進行;名 - 許可
v., to proceed with; n., permission to do something
Five of the six members felt that they should go ahead with the plan.
The manager was just waiting for the go ahead from her boss before mailing the report.
goal [gol] 名 - 目標,目的
n., objective, purpose
Employees are expected to analyze and evaluate their annual goals.
The director had to report to the committee that his department would not reach its goal of 35 percent growth.
lengthy [ˋlɛŋθɪ] 形 - 長的
adj., long in time, duration, or distance
After lengthy discussions, the chairperson was reelected for another term.
The report was so lengthy that members had to take it home and read it over the weekend.
- 動 - lengthen
(Ms. Greene decided to lengthen the time allotted to the meeting to allow each person a chance to speak.) - 名 - length
(Because of its length, we decided not to read the entire report at the meeting.) - 形 - lengthy
(A presentation that is too lengthy will only put the audience to sleep.)
matter [ˋmætɚ] 名 - 問題,事件
n., an item, issue, topic of interest
If there are no other matters to discuss, we will conclude the meeting.
This is not the place to bring up personal matters.
periodically [pɪrɪˋɑdɪklɪ] 副 - 定期地
adv., from time to time
The group tried to meet periodically.
Periodically, new members were nominated to the committee.
- 名 - period
(The sales reports for the current period are excellent.) - 形 - periodic
(They received periodic updates from the overseas licensees.) - 副 - periodically
(The employee checked his messages periodically during the week-long seminar.)
priority [praɪˋɔrətɪ] 名 - 優先,最重要的事
n., something of importance, something that should be done before other things
Since the remaining issues were not a priority, the group decided to move them to the next week's agenda.
The manager was ineffective because she was unable to set priorities.
- 動 - prioritize
(Once the team members learned to prioritize their work, they were much more productive.) - 名 - priority
(The committee member has difficulties setting priorities for herself.) - 形 - prior
(The director didi not give much attention to Ellen's proposal as he had several prior matters to attend to.)
progress [prəˋgrɛs] 名 - 進步;動 - 進步
n., a movement forward; v., to move forward on something, especially work or a project
The executive committee asked each group to present a report showing their progress for the year.
Progress is being made on the annual report; we expect to see a finished product by next week.
- 動 - progress
(Everyone was surprised at how quickly the meeting had progressed.) - 名 - progression
(The quick progression of events didn't surprise anyone.) - 形 - progressive
(The new president is very progressive and is always looking for ways to improve the business.)
waste [west] 動 - 浪費;名 - 白費
v., not to use wisely; n., not worthwhile
Without a leader, the group members wasted time and energy trying to organize themselves.
The meeting wasn't a waste of time, but the members had hope to accomplish more than they did.
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