2016年4月19日 星期二

單字課 034

accustom  [əˋkʌstəm] 動 - 習慣於
v., to become familiar with, to become used to

Chefs must accustom themselves to working long hours.

It can be hard to accustom oneself to eating new types of food.

  • 動 - accustom
    (Shirley could not accustom herself to the fast pace of the restaurant kitchen.)
  • 名 - custom
    (It is the custom at this restaurant to offer free meals to patrons on their birthdays.)
  • 形 - accustomed
    (Janet has become accustomed to cooking with a variety of spices.)

apprentice [əˋprɛntɪs] 名 - 學徒
n., a student worker in a chosen field

Instead of attending cooking school, Raul chose to work as an apprentice with experienced chef.

The cooking school has an apprentice program that places students in restaurants to gain work experience.

  • 動 - apprentice
    (Instead of attending cooking school, Michael decided to apprentice to a master chef.)
  • 名 - apprentice
    (The new group of apprentices will start working any day now.)
  • 名 - apprenticeship
    (The apprenticeship was a grueling period, but George learned a lot.)

 [ˋkjulɪ͵nɛrɪ] 形 - 烹飪的
adj., relating to the kitchen or cooking

The chef was widely known for his culinary artistry.

His interest in culinary arts drew him to a commercial foods program.

 [dɪˋmænd] 動 - 需求,要求,需要
v., to require

Theodore was always exhausted because his new job at the restaurant demanded so much of him.

This style of cooking demands many exotic ingredients and a lot of preparation time.

  • 動 - demand
    (The head chef demands a lot from his assistants.)
  • 名 - demand
    (Pierre could not keep up wiht the many demands of the customers.)
  • 形 - demanding
    (Working as a chef is a very demanding job.)

draw [drɔ] 動 - 吸引,招來
v., to cause to come by attracting
We hope the new restaurant will draw other business to the area.

Matthew was drawn to a career in cooking.

incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret]  動 - 合併,吸收,加入
v., to unite one thing with something else already in existence

Coca incorporated the patrons' suggestions into her new menu.

Here are the fresh greens for you to incorporate into a salad.

  • 動 - incorporate
    (Take these items and incorporate them into a stew.)
  • 名 - incorporation
    (The restaurant was the incorporation of every good idea in chef had thought of in his career.)
  • 動名 - incorporating
    (Chef Tao was famous for incorporating different cooking styles into one.

influx [ˋɪnflʌks] 名 - 湧進
n., a flowing in
An influx of new chefs is constantly needed to fill open jobs.

Due to the rise in popularity of cooking as a career, cooking schools report an influx of applications.

 [ˋmɛθəd] 名 - 方法
n., a procedure

Gloria perfected a simple method for making croissants.

Many chefs borrow cooking methods from a variety of cultures and incorporate them into their cooking style.

  • 名 - method
    (The chef discovered a more efficient method of peeling boiled eggs.)
  • 名 - methodology
    (Even the order of adding ingredients is an unappreciated aspect of cooking methodology.)
  • 形 - methodical
    (The head cook was not so artistic as methodical in preparing standard dishes.)

outlet [ˋaʊt͵lɛt] 名 - 發洩途徑
n., a means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires

Even before he became a professional baker, Jacob used baking as an outlet for frustration.
在他成為專業烘焙師之前,Jocob 就以烘焙作為受挫時的發洩管道了。

Many people find cooking to be a hands-on outlet for their creativity.

profession [prəˋfɛʃən] 名 - 專門,專業
n., an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study

Cooking is considered as much a profession as is law or medicine.

Lulu took up cooking as her profession and is very happy with her decision.

  • 名 - profession
    (The number of people choosing cooking as a profession has risen over the past decade.)
  • 形 - professional
    (She was professional in her approach to dealing with the problem of late deliveries.)
  • 副 - professionally
    (Although the customer was rude and loud, the waiter handled the situation very professionally.)

relinquish [rɪˋlɪŋkwɪʃ] 動 - 撤出,交出,放棄
v., to let go; to surrender

People find it hard to relinquish their accustomed food preferences and try something new.

After Claude married Kiki, he had to relinquish his exclusive hold on the kitchen and learn how to share the joys of cooking.

theme [θim] 名 - 論題,主題
n., an implicit or recurrent idea; a motif

The caterers prepared food for a party with a tropical island theme.

The restaurant's food and decor demonstrated its southwestern theme.

