comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] 形 - 廣泛的,綜合的
adj., covering broadly; inclusive
The conductor has a comprehensive knowledge of rail systems from all over the world.
You can get a comprehensive travel package, including rail passes, if you visit the travel company's website.
- 名 - comprehensiveness
(Due to the comprehensiveness of the train system, the complete timetable was a thick document.) - 形 - comprehensive
(Due to the comprehensive reach of the rail system, the train can take you to every major city and many smaller ones.) - 副 - comprehensively
(The surveyors comprehensively studied the terrain before planning the site for the new train tracks.)
deluxe [dɪˋlʌks] 形 - 豪華的
adj., noticeably luxurious
My parents decided to splurge on deluxe accommodations for their trip.
The train station is not near any of the deluxe hotels, so we will have to take a taxi.
directory [dəˋrɛktərɪ] 名 - 電話簿,使用手冊,指南
n., a book or collection of information or direction
We consulted the directory to see where the train station was located.
Mr. Scannel found that telephone number for the local train station in the telephone directory.
- 動 - direct
(We were unfamiliar with the city, so the hotel manager directed us to the train station.) - 名 - direction
(The ticket agent at the train station gave us directions to the nearest restaurant.) - 名 - directory
(At the train station you can pick up a free directory to local restaurants, museums, and other places of interest to visitos.)
duration [djʊˋreʃən] 名 - 持久,持續,在整個...期間
n., the time during which something lasts
Mother lent me her spare jacket for the duration of the trip.
Despite our personal differences, my roommate and I agreed to be as pleasant as possible for the duration of the train ride.
entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] 動 - 給予權利資格
v., to allow or qualify
During the holiday rush, a train ticket entitled the passenger to a ride, but not necessarily a seat.
The mess the train line made of Pedro's sleeping room reservations entitled him to a free upgrade to a better room.
fare [fɛr] 名 - 票價(交通工具的)
n., the money paid for transportation
The train fare has increased since I rode last.
Pay your fare at the ticket office and you will get a ticket to board the train.
offset [ˋɔf͵sɛt] 動 - 抵銷
v., to counterbalance
The high cost of the hotel room offset the savings we made by taking the train instead of the plane.
By reducing her transportation costs once in the United States, Mrs. Sato offset the cost of getting to this country.
operate [ˋɑpə͵ret] 動 - 運作,營運,產生效果
v., to perform a function
The train operates on a punctual schedule.
The train only operates in this area at the height of the tourist season.
- 動 - operate
(Trains don't operate in this town after th summer tourism season is over.) - 名 - operation
(The train system is a massive ioeration with thousands of large and small stations across the country.) - 形 - operational
(As the operational expenses for the train system rose, the managers were forced to either cut services or raise prices.)
punctually [ˋpʌŋktʃʊəlɪ] 副 - 如期地,準時地
adv., promptly; on time
Please be on time; the train leaves punctually at noon.
The train usually arrives punctually; I can't imagine what is delaying it today.
- 名 - punctuality
(The Swiss trains are legendary for their punctuality.) - 形 - punctual
(For a transportation service to have any credibility, it must be punctual.) - 副 - punctually
(The conductor arrived punctually at the train station.)
relatively [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] 副 - 相對地,相當地
adv., somewhat
The train is relatively empty for this time of day.
The train station has been relatively busy for a weekday.
remainder [rɪˋmendɚ] 名 - 剩餘的人或物
n., the part that is left; leftover
The Alaskan frontier has train service in the summer, but for the remainder of the year the tracks are impossible.
We will move you to less expensive room and credit the remainder of what you've already paid to your charge card.
- 動 - remain
(It is safer for all passengers to remain in their seats until the train comes to a complete stop.) - 名 - remains
(The waiter cleared off the remains of our meal after we left the dining car.) - 名 - remainder
(After our exciting stay in New York, the remainder of the trip seemed dull.)
adj., far away; not close to populated areas
I was surprised to find train service to such a remote location.
We took the train out of the city and found a remote hotel in the country for the weekend.
- 名 - remoteness
(The remoteness of the state park was part of its attraction, but since it's not served by a train line, I couldn't get to it.) - 形 - remote
(The remote cabin in the woods can only be reached by car, the nearest train station or airport is more than 100 miles away.) - 副 - remotely
(I wasn't remotely interested in taking a cross-country trip by train since I can't stand to be confined for a long time.)