2016年3月10日 星期四

單字課 033

burden  [ˋbɝdn]  名 - 負擔,責任
n., a responsibility; something that is carried
The secretary usually takes on the burden of ordering lunch for business meeting.

The deliveryman's back ached from the heavy burden he carried.

  • 動 - burden
    (The frequently complicated lunch orders unfairly burdened Jacques.)
  • 名 - burden
    (In addition to all her other responsibilities, Marie had the burden of picking up the daily lunch order.)
  • 形 - burdensome
    (Keeping track of everybody's lunch orders can be a burdensome task.)

commonly [ˋkɑmənlɪ] 副 - 平常地
adv. usually, habitually
The people who work in this building commonly order their lunch from the sandwich shop on the first floor.

The restaurants in this area commonly serve office workers and are only open during the week.

delivery 〔 dIˋlIvәrI 〕 名 - 遞送
n., the act of conveying or delivering
The caterer hired a courier to make the delivery.

The restaurant is reluctant to make deliveries, but make an exception for our office.
  • 動 - deliver
    (That restaurant delivers food at no extra changes.)
  • 名 - delivery
    (We all got very hungry waiting for the delivery to arrive.)

elegance 〔 ˋєlәgәns 〕 名 - 優雅
n., refinement, beauty, grace
The elegance of the restaurant made it a pleasant place to eat.

A sandwich may lack elegance, but it makes a convenient and inexpensive lunch.

  • 名 - elegance
    (The elegance of the surroundings was accentuated by the wonderful meal the caterers delivered.)
  • 形 - elegant
    (Delores set an elegant table that was sure to impress.)
  • 副 - elegantly
    (The tasty appetizers were elegantly served from silver platters.)

fall to
 動 - 是...的責任
v., to become one's responsibility
The task of preparing the meal fell to the assistant chef when the chief chef was ill.

The menu was in French, so ordering for us feel to Monique, who spoke French.

impress  [ɪmˋprɛs]  動 - 印象深刻
v., to affect strongly, often favorably
I was impressed with how quickly they delivered our lunch.

If you want to impress the new staff member, order her a nice lunch.

  • 動 - impress
    (I am favorably impressed by how quickly the pizza was delivered.)
  • 名 - impression
    (She gave the impression that the food would be delivered within the hour.)
  • 形 - impressionable
    (I have an impressionable child, so I don't like him to see deliverymen running red traffic lights)

 [͵ɪndəˋvɪdʒʊəl] 形 - 個人的
adj., by or for one person; special; particular
We had the delivery man mark the contents of each individual order.

The jaunty whistle of the delivery woman marked her individual style.
  • 動 - individualize
    (The take-out shop does not allow you to individualize your order by asking for substitutions.)
  • 名 - individual
    (The portions are large enough to feed two individual.)
  • 副 - individually
    (The individually marked boxes made it easy for us to clain our orders.)

multiple  [ˋmʌltəp!]  形 - 複合的,多樣的
adj., having, relating to, or consisting of more than one part
The delivery person was not able to keep track of the multiple order, causing a food mix-up.

It takes multiple steps to get into this building, which frustrates all our employees.

narrow 〔 ˋnæro 〕 動 - 變窄,限制
v., to limit or restrict
Etseko narrowed the restaurant possibilities down to three.

This restaurant delivers only pizza and sandwiches, so that certainly narrows down the choices.

pick up 動 - 接送
v., to take on passengers or freight
The delivery man picks up lunch orders on his motor scooter.

If you ask me nicely, I will pick up the order on my way home.

reasonable [r'izənəbəl] 形 - 價格公道的,(品質)尚可的
adj., fairy priced, fair in quality

I usually have lunch at the company cafeteria because of the convenient location and the reasonable prices.

The lunches at this place are not top quality, but they're reasonable

  • 名 - reasonableness
    (Although the food is not fantastic, we eat there often because of the reasonableness of the prices..)
  • 形 - reasonable
    (You can get a good meal for a reasonable cost at this cafe.)
  • 副 - reasonably
    (They prepare Japanese dishes reasonably well at that restaurant.)

 [s'ɛtəl] 動 - 安頓,支付,決定
v., to make compensation for, to pay; to choose

We settled the bill with the cashier.

After much debate, we finally settled on the bistro on the corner.

