2016年3月7日 星期一

單字課 030

apprehensive [͵æprɪˋhɛnsɪv] 形 - 憂慮的,恐懼的
adj., anxious about the future

Most new home buyers are apprehensive about their decision.

The mortgage lenders was apprehensive about the company's ability to pay.

  • 名 - apprehension
    (The air was thick with apprehension as the landlord met with the tenants.)
  • 形 - apprehensive
    (The tenants were apprehensive about the conditions of their rental agreement.)

circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] 名 - 情況,環境,經濟狀況
n., a condition; a situation

Under the current economic circumstances, they will not be able to purchase the property.

If the circumstances change in the near future and we have new properties, we will be sure to call you.

  • 副 - circumstantially
    (The building owner circumstantially takes money out of the escrow account for emergency repairs.)
  • 名 - circumstance
    (Because of our circumstances, the rental agent kindly allowed us to get out of our lease early.)
  • 形 - circumstantial
    (The judge's decision that the tenant was responsible for repairing the damage was based solely on circumstantial evidence.)

condition [kənˋdɪʃən]  名 - 狀況,條件
n., the state of something; a requirement

Except for some minor repairs, the building is in very good condition.

There are certain conditions that are unique to leasing a property.

  • 動 - condition
    (The president conditioned her acceptance on two factors that were spelled out in the letter of agreement.)
  • 名 - condition
    (They decided to rent the space, under the condition that the price would not be raised for the next two years.)
  • 形 - conditional
    (If you give a conditional go-ahead, we will start drawing up the plans.)

due to 介 - 由於
prep., because of

Due to the low interest rates, good office space is difficult to find.

He didn't believe that the low prices were due only to the neighborhood.

fluctuate [fl'ʌktʃəw,et] 動 - 波動
v., to go up and down; to change

No one is very comfortable investing in real estate while property prices are fluctuating so much.

Prime business areas fluctuate with local economics, crime rates, and cost of living indices.

  • 動 - fluctuate
    (As interest rates began to fluctuate, many investors became nervous and took their money out of the real estate market.)
  • 名 - fluctuation
    (Construction is sensitive to any fluctuations in the economy.)

get out of  動 - 逃離,離開
v., to escape; to exit

The agent wasn't sure if the executives could get out of their prior real estate arrangement.

The company wanted to get out of the area before property values declined even further.

indicator ['ɪndək,etɚ] 名 - 指示物
n., a sign, a signal

If the economy is an accurate indicator, rental prices will increase rapidly in the next six months.

The results of the elections were seen as an important indicator of the stability 
in the area.

  • 動 - indicate
    (As was indicated in the terms of the lease, any changes to the property must be appreoved by the owners.)
  • 名 - indicator
    (The state of local schools is a good indicator of the health of the economy)
  • 名 - indication
    (The management team had every indication that the tennats were planning to stay for the near future.)
indicator = 精準的測量、指示,例如油表、溫度計,可以指出確切的刻度
indication = 模糊的感覺、徵象,例如騎車時風吹到臉上的強度可以代表車速的快慢,卻沒辦法精確描述車子的速度。

lease [l'is] 名 - 租賃,租約;動 - 租借
n., a contract to pay to use property for an amount of time; v., to make a contract to use property.

With the lease expiring next year, they need to start looking for a new location as soon as possible.

They decided to lease the property rather than buy it.

lock into  動 - 綁住,困住
v., to commit; to be unable to change

The company locked itself into a ten-year lease that they didn't want.

Before you lock yourself into something, check all your options.

occupy ['ɑkjəp,ɑɪ] 動 - 使用(某空間),居住
v., to dwell or reside in

Tenants are usually allowed to occupy their space beginning on the first day of the month.

Our company has occupied this office for more than five years.

  • 動 - occupy
    (The owner must make sure that the space is in good condition before the tenant occupies it.)
  • 名 - occupant
    (Most of the occupants of this building are doctors and lawyers.)
  • 名 - occupancy
    (The occupancy rate of the building has never fallen below 85 percent.)

subject [ˋsʌbdʒIkt] 形 - 受...支配的,取決於...的
adj., under legal power; dependent

This contract is subject to all the laws and regulations of the state.

The go-ahead to buy is subject to the president's approval.

tenant [tenәnt] 名 - 承租人,房客
n., a person who rents property

Property owners want tenants who are respectful of their neighbors and pay their rent on time.

The new tenant wants to move in before the first of the month.

