2016年3月22日 星期二

單字課 023

aggressively [əˋgrɛsɪvlɪ] 副 - 侵略地,有衝勁地
adv., competitively, assertively

Some people are risk takers and prefer to invest aggressively.

His ideas were not well received because he spoke so aggressively.


  • 名 - aggression
    (The act of aggression against our country cased a fear of war adn had a negative effect on the stock market.)
  • 形 - aggressive
    (The director's aggressive position on investing was frowned upon by the Goard of Directors.)
  • 副 - aggressively
    (I chose this stockbroker because he invests my money aggressively.)

attitude [ˋætətjud]  名 - 態度
n., a feeling about something or someone

The new fund manager's attitude changed quickly after the first big downturn in the market.

Each investor should assess his or her own attitude toward investment.

commit [kəˋmɪt]  動 - 投入
v., to consign for future use, to promise

It is a good idea to commit a certain percentage of your income to investments.

The stockbroker committed herself to finding the best investments for each client.

  • 動 - commit
    (I'm committed to keeping the moeny in my pension fund until I retire.)
  • 名 - commitment
    (The comployee's commitment to working hard adn saving her money was commendable.)
  • 形 - noncommittal
    (I had hoped that the discussion would yield a definite answer form them, but they were noncommittal.)

conservative  [kənˋsɝvətɪv] 形 - 保守的,謹慎的
adj., cautious, restrained

Her conservative strategy paid off over the years.

Generally, older people should be more conservative in their investing than younger people.

  • 動 - conserve
    (Conserve your moeny now so you will be able to invest when the stock market gets better.)
  • 形 - conservative(Some people are conservative investors and take few risks with thier money.)
  • 副 - conservatively
    (If you invest too conservatively, you may lose some chances for making money.)

found [faʊnd] 名 - 資金,基金
n., an amount of money, an organization that manage money for a particular purpose

If you have extra funds, talk to your stockbroker about the best place to put them.

My stockbroker recommended investing in this fund.

  • 動 - fund
    (Private inevestors will fund the new business.)
  • 名 - fund
    (The stockbroker suggested investing funds in foreign companies.)
  • 名 - funder
    (We are looking for funders who can commit leas $50,000 each.)

invest [ɪnˋvɛst] 動 - 投資

v., to put money into a business or activity with the hope of making more money; to put money into a business or activity with the hope of making more money; to put effort into something

The chief financial officer invested in the stock at a very good time.

Don't invest all of your time in just one project.

  • 動 - invest
    (The company has been successful because it has invested wisely in its resources.)
  • 名 - investment
    (Some people like to manage their investments online by themselves, while others prefer to work with a stockbroker.)
  • 名 - investor
    (The fall in the stock market shook up the investors.)

long-term 形 - 長期的
adj., involving or extending over a long period

The CEO's long-term goal was to increase the return on investment.

Long-term investments are not really affected by the daily ups and downs of the stock market.

portfolio [portˋfolɪ͵o] 名 - 投資組合
n., a list of investments

Investors are advised to have diverse portfolios.

The investor's portfolio consisted of blue chip company stocks and government bonds.

pull out 動 - 撤出,退出
v., to withdraw, to stop participating

A lot of people pulled out their money when it became clear that the bank was in trouble.

He pulled out of the company and took all of his money with him.

resource [rɪˋsors] 名 - 財力,資產,資源
n., assets; valuable things

If you don't invest in petroleum resources now, you will find that the stock prices will get away from you.

The company's most valuable resource was its staff.

return [rɪˋsors] 名 - 利潤,利益
n., the amount of money gained as profit

The 44 percent return on the new stock was far more than the stockbroker had anticipated.

Some investors are satisfied with a 15 percent return, while other want to see a much larger returns.

wisely [ˋwaɪzlɪ] 副 - 明智地,聰穎地
adv., knowledgeably, smartly

If you invest wisely, you will be able to retire early.

Mary wisely followed her stockbroker's advice and took her money out of some bad investments.

  • 名 - wisdom
    (Common wisdom is to place your money in a variety of inevestments.)
  • 形 - wise
    (The wise investor does her homework before parting with her money.)
  • 副 - wisely
    (She planned her retirement wisely and was able to retire to her summer house.)

