2016年5月17日 星期二

單字課 037

deal with 動 - 處理
v., phrase, to attend to; to manage; to see to

Ticket agents must deal courteously with irate customers.

Sick passengers, frightened children, and rude pilots are just a few of the things cabin attendants have to deal with.

  [͵dɛstəˋneʃən] 名 - 目的地
n., the place to which one is going or directed to

The Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist destination this year.

Once you have determined your desired destination, we can work toward getting the best airfare.

 [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] 動 - 區別,便別,使傑出,使受人青睞
v., to make noticeable or different

Suki was able to distinguish between the different types of jets on the runway.

This airline has distinguished itself as one of the most reliable in the business.

  • 動 - distinguish
    (I can't distinguish any difference in the two airlines, since their fares are the same.)
  • 形 - distinguishable
    (The airline's planes were easily distinguishable by the bright logo on the planes' tails.)
  • 副 - distinguishably
    (Even though you have paid a lower fare, you won't be distinguishably different than the other passengers on the plane.)

economize [ɪˋkɑnə͵maɪz]  動 - 節約,節省
v., to be careful about spending money

Since I like to economize when I travel, I always do a through Internet search for the best airline ticket prices.

We decided to economize this year and take our vacation during the off season, when prices are lower.
  • 動 - economize
    (We no longer fly first class, since our company is trying to economize.)
  • 形 - economical
    (Without hesitation, we chose the more economical of the two airline tickets.)
  • 副 - economically
    (The best way to plan a trip economically is to compare prices on the Internet.)

equivalent [ɪˋkwɪvələnt] 形 - 相等的,等值的
adj., equal

Carlos used the Internet to search for hotels of equivalent dollar value to the one recommended.

The food the airline serves in coach class is equivalent to that served in first class.
excursion [ɪkˋskɝʒən] 名 - 遠足,短程旅行
n., a pleasure trip; a trip at the reduced fare

With some time between meetings in London, the company president enjoyed an excursion to Stonehenge.

The finance officer was pleased to find an excursion for the entire consulting team.


expense [ɪkˋspɛns] 名 - 費用,經費
n., something requiring payment

A luxury vacation involves many expenses.

If we keep our expenses down, we might have enough money to take a longer trip.
  • 名 - expense
    (To stay within our travel budget, we must keep all our expenses as low as possible)
  • 副 - expensively
    (The first-class seats are for those who travel expensively but with great style.)
  • 形 - expensive
    (Only the most expensive fares were still available.)

extend [ɪkˋstɛnd] 動 - 延長,提供
v., to make longer

The delayed flight extended our wait in the airport.

We enjoyed the beach so much that we extended our stay another day.

  • 動 - extend
    (When people travel to an interesting destination for business, they often extend their trip by a few days in order to enjoy the place as a tourist.)
  • 名 - extent
    (Larry has traveled to Japen many times and the extent of his knowledge of that country is impressive.)
  • 形 - extensive
    (Pamela is taking six months off from work in order to take an extensive tour of South America.)

prospective [prəˋspɛktɪv] 形 - 預期的
adj., likely to become or be

Airlines advertise on travel websites in order to attract prospective customers.

I narrowed my list of prospective destinations to my three top choices.

  • 名 - prospect
    (The prospects of getting a seat on this evening's flight are not good.)
  • 形 - prospective
    (Once you know the prospective dates for your trip, you can look on the Internet to see what flights are available.)

situation [͵sɪtʃʊˋeʃən] 名 - 情形,情況
n., the combination of circumstances at a given moment

The airline suggested I check with the State Department regarding the political situation in the country I'm flying to.

The vast number of different airfares available makes for a complicated situation.

substantially  [səbˋstænʃəlɪ] 副 - 相當地,大致上地,實質上地
adv., significantly

The airline I work for had a substantially higher rating for customer satisfaction than our competitors had.

The airfares charged by different airlines are not substantially different.

  • 名 - substance
    (I couldn't recognize the substance that was on my meal tray and taht the airlines called dinner.)
  • 形 - substantial
    (Ms. Qin found there was a substantial difference in the price quoted for the plane ticket, depending on which day she flew.)
  • 副 - substantially
    (There is substantially no difference in the quality of food served in first class and in economy class.)

system [ˋsɪstəm] 名 - 系統
n., a functionally related group of elements

The airline system covers the entire world with flights.

We need a better system to keep track of how much money we are spending on this vacation.

