2016年1月26日 星期二

單字課 002

attract [əˋtrækt] 動-吸引
v., to draw by appeal

The display attracted a number of people at the convention.

The new advertising attracts the wrong kind of customer into the store.
  1. a number of people = 很多,後面應該接複數動詞。例如 A number of people are attracted by the display.
  • 動 - attract
    ( The store's poor location did not help it attract customers.)
  • 名 - attraction
    (Having a clown in the toy store was foolproof attraction for getting kids to enter)
  • 形 - attractive
    (Lou ran his store on an old-fashioned premise: quality merchandise at attractive prices.)

compare [kəmˋpɛr] 動-比較
v., to examine similarities and differences

Once the customer compared the two products, her choice was easy.

The price for this brand is high compared to the other brands on the market.
  1. price of / price for + something,對英文使用者來說,兩者都對。如果去google查,price for比較多人在使用。(但兩者都沒錯)

  • 動 - compare
    (She compared the prices before she made a decision.)
  • 名 - comparison
    (There was comparison in the quality of the two brands.)
  • 形 - comparable
    (To get an average for home costs, the agent sought prices on comparable homes.)

competition [͵kɑmpəˋtɪʃən] 名-競賽,競爭
n., a contest or struggle

In the competition for afternoon diners, Hector's has come out on top.

In order to keep up with the competition, we need to market our product better.
  1. afternoon diner =下午茶(大餐),關於dinner/lunch/supper到底是指午餐、晚餐,跟餐點的大小有沒有關,我想這跟各地習慣有關。
    大部分情況下,dinner = supper= 晚餐,lunch=午餐
    但根據小笨霖的英文筆記,在口語中,說"去吃東西",直接用go to eat即可..
  2. come out on top = 拔得頭籌,得第一名
  3. keep up with = 跟上;
    如果要表示"保持領先"的話,可以用 keep ahead of the competition
  • 動 - compete
    (In order to compete in today's market, companies need to advertise on the Internet.)
  • 名 - competition
    (A company must always be aware of what its competition is doing.)
  • 形 - competitive
    (Companies keep their products competitive by making them available on the Internet as well as in store.)

consume  [kənˋsjum] 動-消耗,花費,耗盡
v., to absorb; to use up

The business plans consumed all of Fritz's attention this fall.

Marketing costs consume a good part of a company's budget.
  1. use up = 用光、耗盡
  2. a good part of = 大部分
  • 動 - consume
    (The analyst was able to consume new information quickly.)
  • 名 - consumer
    (The government tracks consumer spending closely.)
  • 形 - consumable
    (He ran a study of the use of consumable goods.)

convince [kənˋvɪns] 動-證明,說服
v., to bring to believe by argument; to pursuade

The salesman convinced his customer to buy his entire inventory of pens.

Before a business can convince customers that it provides a quality product, it must convince its marketing staff.
  1. argument = 論證

currently  [ˋkɝəntlɪ] 副-現今
adv., happening at the present time; now

Currently we do most of our advertising on the Internet.

Currently, customers are demanding big discounts for bulk orders.
  1. bulk order = 批量訂單(一次買很多)
  2. 打折打很多=big discount(不是high discount喔)

fad  [fæd] 名-流行
n., a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time; a craze

The mini dress was a fad once thought to be finished, but now it is making a comeback.

Classic tastes may seem boring but they have proven to resist fads.
  1. craze = 狂熱,大流行
  2. mini dress = mini skirt = 迷你裙,但這兩者還是有不同喔。dress是連身裙(從肩、胸一帶穿起),skirt是半身裙(從腰部開始穿起)
  3. fashion 跟fade有點不同,fashion是指新的事物被大眾所接受(可能維持很長一段時間),fade則是在短時間內被大量接受,然後快速消退(只有一小段時間)

inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] 名-靈感,鼓舞人心的人或事物
n., a thing or person that arouses a feeling

His work is an inspiration to the marketing department.

Marta's high sales in Spain were an inspiration to other European reps.
  1. a inspiration to N = 對...是種激勵、鼓舞
  2. reps = representatives = 代表
    例如sale reps = 業務代表

market [ˋmɑrkɪt] 動-行銷,推銷;名-市場需求
v., the course of buying and selling a product; n., the demand for a product

When Omar first began making his chutneys, he marketed them door-to-door to gourmet shops.

There was a good market for brightly colored clothing last years, but this year nobody seems interested in buying it.
  1. 去年顏色鮮豔的衣服有賣得很好,但今年沒人卻想買。
  2. chutney = 酸辣醬,是一種印度料理的醬汁,主要是水果、蔬菜加上辛香料、醋跟糖,可以是乾的也可以是濕的,跟印度咖哩一起吃。(看chutney
  3. door-to-door to N = 挨家挨戶地
  4. gourmet shop = 食品專賣店,感覺應該比較像義美、新東陽那種,不然就是有一種小小的雜貨店裡面都賣一些進口食品的,跟餐廳不一樣喔。
  5. a good market for something = 某樣東西賣得很好
  • 動 - market(The sales department disagreed about how to market their newest product.)
  • 名 - marketing(A good director of marketing can find a way to sell even an unattractive product.)
  • 形 - marketable(Once the sales manager decided to change the packaging, the product became much more marketable.)

persuasion [pɚˋsweʒən] 名-說服力
n., the power to influence; a deep conviction or belief

The seminar teaches techniques of persuasion to increase sales.

Companies use different methods of persuasion to get people to buy their products.
  1. power to N = ...的力量

productive [prəˋdʌktɪv] 形-有成效的,多產的,生產的
adj., constructive; high yield

Productive advertising results in many sales.

Alonzo is excited about his productive marketing staff.
  1. be excited about ... 對..感到興奮

satisfaction [͵sætɪsˋfækʃən] 名-滿意
n., happiness

Your satisfaction is guaranteed or you'll get your money back.

We will print the advertisement to your satisfaction.

  • 動 - satisfy(The goal of marketing is to show that the product satisfies consumer's needs.)
  • 名 - satisfaction(Our highest priority is customer satisfaction.)
  • 形 - satisfactory(All our products arrive in the stores in satisfactory condition.)

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